Category Archives: UI/UX

深圳中科微光医疗设备UI改版——Vivolight OCT Operating System UI Redesign

深圳中科微光医疗设备UI改版——Vivolight OCT Operating System UI Redesign
Cornaris® P80由系统台车、光引擎、导管连接单元(PIU)、计算机系统、显示器组成。该系统通过其高分辨率的显影方式弥补冠脉造影方面的不足和误差,可清晰显示管腔的横切面及纵切面,并提供不同角度下管腔的切面图,本次设计任务是改版升级原先的界面,提升视觉识别度,优化操作体验,突出操作人员更关注的信息与数据。…

深圳中科微光医疗官网改版——Vivolight Official Website Revision


ZenithChain Website Design

智尼链科技(ZenithChain)是一家年轻活力科技公司,专业从事应用系统开发,为企事业单位、 高等院校提供信息化解决方案、信息安全服务和多方多功能软件开发服务。 智尼链⻓期专注与教育信息化、警务信息化以及互联网生态产品的构建;凭 借多年在信息化建设及系统开发积累的经验,智尼链科技已经成为专业的应 用系统开发和解决方案提供商。 公司网站采用蓝黑色作为主色调,明黄色作为高亮色,凸显出严谨的技术实力与活力包容并存的理念,一页式的主站设计让访问者快速在一个页面内完整了解公司梗概,提升信息传达有效性。   网站地址:…

Wechat Dark Mode Redesign and Comparison

2020 年 3 月 22 日,微信上线了 iOS 版 7.0.12 版本,正式支持深色模式。不过根据周围很多朋友反应,微信的暗黑模式用起来不不是很舒服。我大概分析了一下主要原因,其中最大的两个问题:1、背景与信息色值的对比强度不如浅色版本大。2、中性灰度这种无彩色容易让视觉疲劳。

Automotive UI concept

尝试一组智能汽车仪表盘设计概念稿,界面保留了传统仪时速和转速表的圆形表盘,降低驾驶者认知难度,快速回归熟悉的驾驶习惯中。但是在导航、媒体、车辆自检等界面中则有效利屏幕交互来有效的展示信息内容,同时不影响驾驶信息和数据的显示。 This is a concept design for a smart car dashboard. The interface retains the traditional dial of the hourly speed and tachometer to reduce the driver’s cognitive difficulty and quickly return to familiar driving habits. However, in the interfaces of navigation, media, and vehicle self-inspection, screen interaction is effectively used to effectively display information content without affecting the display of driving information and data.…

Coinloop Android App UI/UX Design

  Description: CoinLoop is a multi-functional cryptocurrency mobile app that securely store your valuable digital assets, easily manage your digital portfolio on your palm, continuously provide market updates and access & initiate trading activities on reputable exchanges. It also supports cryptocurrency hardware storage devices such as Trezor. Your digital assets are highly secured as your private key is always kept offline in your hardware wallet such as Trezor. You can send or receive cryptocurrencies, access real-time balances and check transaction histories on your palm. CoinLoop does not require any registration or personal information. Your private key is stored in hardware wallet such as Trezor and possesses by you ONLY! All the transactions need to be confirmed on Trezor. Our simple and user friendly design is easy for beginners and also powerful for experienced users. CoinLoop Features: Secure Wallet – Securely and conveniently send your Bitcoin after double checking your transaction details on Trezor. Your private key would only stores in your hardware device. The offline hardware wallet ensures your Bitcoin transaction is authentic and get full control of your digital assets. Quick And Easy To Use – Get started in seconds with a Trezor. Your frequently used address and historical…